Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Sky Is Crying...Out of Anticipation!

Hi! How was your day?

Awesome. Mine? Eh...But today at school it was so awful because in my sixth period, it was raining and "over 40 mile per hour winds with hail" so we were stuck in school for a whole other hour. Yeah. Not good.

I haven't posted in a long time... So it makes it kind of regretful that this post is so short.

Despite being incredibly short, this post is also quite meaningless.

As a desperate act to add meaning to this boring post, I will leave you with the feeling that a really good movie theater preview is supposed to: Anticipation.

My brother is afraid of previews...Just a little weird tidbit.

"Geraldine, why so many vague anomalies?"

"First of all, how are you being able to contact me in the middle of my posts? It's creepier then that Stalkerbox on Sporks are useless, Tossing Wombat's sister blog *smile, thumbs up, wink, freeze frame*"

"answer the question!"

"Geez...Its because my comment about my brother leads up to what my next post is about, you creeper..."


"Shut up. It's not that exciting!"


"Shut up so I can tell people more about my next post!"



Heres the deal:

When something that describes my weird life happens, and I am not near a computer to immediately blog it to you awesome people, I just type it on my phone and save it as a draft.

Well, I haven't been checking my drafts lately, and now I have a collection of weirdness that would put Paula Abdul to shame (heh, heh American Idol is odd...).

So my next post is a collection of the strange things that people say and stuff that's been happening to me. I've just let it sleep in my phone for a while.

I could just parcel them out and interpret them into many posts, but as you can see, I don't like to leave things festering. Wait...Those drafts were festering in the first don't understand the world anymore...

But nevertheless…Wait for the next post. I SAID WAIT!


"Not you AGAIN!"


P.S-This post isn't short anymore XD

P.C-P.C is for Post Contradiction!!

P.P.S- I fixed my commenter!!!