Friday, May 28, 2010

Sunday Bloody Friday...Saturday...Sunday...I'm confuzzed!

Yes, I have not lost my mind (again), and I am well aware that it is Friday, people. But the fact that I'm just chilling here makes it feel like a Saturday, but I have been on the computer for over an hour and a half, which makes it a Sunday, but then I realize it is a Friday, and I'm happy considering the like, four day weekend (*hand flourish*), which is not usually the case when it is Sunday, so by the end of this giant run-on sentence, I am only confused of what day it is. (or feels like for that matter O_o)

Anyway, enough with that. I feel like a robot. I get anymore confused, and my head will blow up to the annoying tune of a blaring warning beep. Did that make sense? It did right? Because I think there were too many adjectives in that sentence...Great, that defeated the purpose...

I'm gonna end this post before my head blows up...

